Career in Military, Criminal Justice, Equestrian Aficionado
With a passion for horses and forensics, Alfred University was ultimately a perfect fit for Samantha, who is currently stationed at Langley AFB. After MUCH consideration, she chose Alfred because of the equestrian program and the flexibility AU provided, considering her wide interests in biology, chemistry, horses and criminal justice. Once she visited, she discovered she loved every aspect of Alfred: the people, the environment and the vigorous curriculum.

Alfred allowed Samantha to continue her passion for horses, as well as provide the education to pursue her dream of working in the criminal justice field with DNA.
Samantha's favorite things about Alfred were the people and the memories she created during her time here. Whether it was at the Equestrian Center, during lessons or shows, out at GJ's or Alex’s, working in the fitness center or Alumni Hall, random trips to Foster Lake, late night trips to BB Shenanigans or early morning breakfast at The Jet, all of the best classes with Dr. Lowry, hanging out in Powell or walking the grounds to see all the crazy artwork, Samantha's four years at Alfred were filled with an insane amount of amazing memories, and she wouldn’t change any of it.
"I applied to Alfred University as a backup school...a way to make my mom happy, as it was the only college I applied to in-state. I never imagined I would have actually attended, let alone been happy with my decision, but looking back at the choice I made, I wouldn’t change it for the world. Alfred University introduced me to lifelong friends, and memories I will cherish until the day I die. Attending Alfred University might be the best choice I have ever made, and I will be eternally grateful for the people, my teachers and my experience."
In her post-grad experience, Samantha has learned that a hospital could not run without all the work that medical logistics teams do on a daily basis, and she absolutely loves being a part of that. After less than two years of being at Langley, the majority of the elite hospital administration knows Samantha by name and that should they need something of her, she'll get it done. Leadership at Langley has recognized Samantha's efforts with promotions earned well prior to the standard timeframe for eligibility.
Besides her medical facility experience, being a member of the United States Air Force is "by far the greatest decision I have ever made," Samantha says. "Especially during a time of a national pandemic, being right on our country's front line." Helping to fight this battle is the most rewarding thing Samantha has done in her life. "This is why I cannot picture a life without the military involved."
Samantha is currently working on her Master's in Forensic Science, and all she knows for sure is that her dream is to one day work in a DNA lab, whether that be for the government or a private organization. She cannot picture a life without some aspect of the military being involved, whether that means working as a government contractor in forensics or joining the Air National Guard once her current contract has ended.
What is your military job?: Medical Logistics
Where are you stationed?: Langley AFB
What rank are you?: E4/Senior Airman
My Life at Alfred and Beyond
Here are just some of the clubs, places and activities I love:
Samantha Stamp
My Hobbies & Interests
- 4 years on the IHSA College Equestrian Team, both English and Western
- 1 year in the Criminal Justice Club
- Military Affairs @ AU
My Favorite Places
- The Equestrian Center
- Foster Lake
- BB Shenanigans
- The Jet
- Powell
- 2 Mil
- GJs
- Alex’s
- The Fitness Center
- Olin
My Topics
- Athletics
- Social Justice
- Liberal Arts and Sciences
- Student Life
- Military